
Hi everyone... I'm Doreen, a
handmade lover who makes lovely things from Felt and I try other kinds of handmade craft too. Welcome to Felt Moment!  At here you will see all my handmade stuffs & my handmade life story. I will create more and more Felt Crafts, bringing you the best that I can make. I hope you will visit often to give me support and share your ideas and moments in my handmade. Your support and like will fuel me to continue my handmade creation.
Furthermore, I’m not a full time ‘handicraftsgirl’, so the time for me to create felt handicraft is limited. If you like my handcrafts, please be patient and stay tuned ya~

** Here is what 'they' say about Felt :

~ Google: a kind of cloth made by rolling and pressing wool or another suitable textile accompanied by the application of moisture or heat, which causes the constituent fibres to mat together to create a smooth surface.

~ Wikipedia: a textile that is produced by matting, condensing and pressing fibres together. Felt can be made of natural fibres such as wool or synthetic fibres such as acrylic. While some types of felt are very soft, some are tough enough to form construction materials. Felt can vary in terms of fibre content, colour, size, thickness, density and more factors depending on the use of the felt.

不织布,英文叫做 felt,直译成中文应该是毛毡。不织布只是一种通俗的叫法,但是却很好地表达了它的制作工序。不织布不是纺织成的,而是使用一种类似于造纸的工艺将纤维压制成布。

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